A description of the pure desire

May 30, 1986

To reach that absolute stage this Kundalini has to rise. There’s no other way out. And this is what is the Holy Ghost within us. This is the Holy Ghost, it the reflection of the Holy Ghost. And Holy Ghost is the energy of God, which is Love, which is His desire. His desire is the Holy Ghost, and is reflected within us as the Kundalini.

So the desire of God is that you should become the citizen of His Kingdom, that you should enter into His Kingdom and enjoy all the fruits of His blessings: understandingly, knowingly, on your central nervous system. This is his pure desire, and if that pure desire within us rises, then we see that all our desires were useless, and they are not pure, either. Because we have some desire, say, for example, we want to have a car: all right, have a car; then we want to have a house: have a house. They are never satisfied. In general, it is said that wants are not satiable because they are not [real] wants, they are artificial wants. The real want, the real desire, is this one: this energy of pure desire that says you have to unite, unite with the Divine, with the All-pervading Power of God. That is our pure desire, and unless and until that desire is completed, you may do any kind of things, you may go to all kinds of things, try anything: you can never achieve it.

Now, this is a living process because God is a living being. He is not empty words. He is not just something like a dead book. He’s not. He is a living God. He is a living energy and this is a living process, so it has to be spontaneous. It has to be spontaneous if it is living.