We can derive at that conclusion, by seeing that we evolved spontaneously, we evolved automatically. We did not think about it. Say, from animal stage to this stage we have come; from amoeba stage to this stage we have come, without doing anything about it. Spontaneously it has happened. People, perhaps do not understand the word “spontaneous.” Spontaneous means it’s a happening through some living force and the living force acts on its own. It drives you up to a point, like a flower becomes a fruit. Now the flower cannot do anything about becoming a fruit. In the same way we cannot do anything about our evolution we should accept most humbly, because we have done nothing so far to become human beings. We have taken for granted our human life. But how we got it, we do not know. We did not pay any money for it. That way anything very vital to life you get it spontaneously. Like our breathing, nobody taught us breathing. We did not have to join Cambridge University to learn our breathing, did we? It comes so spontaneously as soon as we are born we start breathing. All that is vital for the progress of life comes to us spontaneously.
So if evolution is the most vital climax of our existence then it has to come to us spontaneously, we cannot do anything about it. So first of all let us relax. It’s going to work spontaneously, so why put our self up into a tension? Now, we have to see like a scientist with a very open mind, that we are not yet aware of ourselves. We do not know what are we. We know we are human beings, but are we really human beings alone? Or are we something more than that? And if we are, are we aware of that?