The wisdom or the essence of Guru Tattwa is a balance. Like when you maintain a plant, if you do not give it water, it will die. If you give it too much water, it will die. So the wisdom lies in understanding how much water should be given to the plant, so that it comes up at its best. Now this wisdom has to be achieved through your vibratory awareness. You are placed under the most fortunate circumstances, that you are realised souls before your Guru Tattwa is fully established. You have all the powers that any guru can aspire, without having the establishment of Guru Tattwa. Specially you are under the complete blanket of the clouds of your Mother’s love.
But in no way Mother’s love is going to allow you to destroy your Guru Principle. As I told you that Guru Principle is a very sensitive thing, and is destroyed if you yourself do not try to maintain it. First of all, the destruction starts from the very source of our being. I mean to say that our being is created by five elements, and the five elements have a capacity all the time to get destroyed. Any one of these elements if they are not looked after, they get destroyed. That is the built-in capacity of the elements or of the matter, as you can say. So to maintain them is important.
Some people have an idea that once you become a guru you need not maintain everything, it is maintained by itself. It is not. Agreed that the spirit definitely enhances the beauty and the health of these elements; but at the human level there is always a greater force that is trying to destroy it. So till we have completely become the spirit, there is always a chance of this destruction working it out. One may say, why this balance needed? And this is an important question which we should be able to answer all the people who ask us. Without the balance you cannot ascend. If you cannot ascend, what’s the use of our becoming human beings?