In the center we had another great movement which is called as Nath, Nathpanthis. They say it came from Shiva, but whatever it is; it came from Adinath and these people and got diverted into many types. But those who remained in the middle, one of them was we should say was called Gahininath and his disciple was Nivritinath the elder brother of Gyanadeva. It is amazing if you read anything about them they know all about chakras, they know all about these all three channels. Everything they knew thousands of years back. Then somehow or other they didn’t tell people. They kept the knowledge to themselves. I can’t say why they did it but they did. Ultimately, Gyanadeva took permission of his Guru Nivritinath and said that let me tell you, at least let me tell others, you allow me because people should know what works it out. So he wrote about Kundalini. But if you read these ancient books, you will be amazed that the whole thing was described in those books how you get your realization and how then you have those centers which are to be enlightened, what problems come in. But the method they employed for achieving it was really hazardous. I don’t know why they had to do it but they did it. They were all unmarried people and very strict with themselves and they had to lead a life very secluded from the society. This was really a very difficult time of ascent they had.\n\nWhen I read about them I really feel very extremely sad that all these great people who were seeking had to go through such horrible strenuous turmoil for days together and then some of them got realisation.\n\nBut you are lucky people I should say to be born at this time. This is a special time, very special time, which is described in all the books, all the scriptures as the last judgment. Now, if you start deciding about it through your mental capacity you cannot achieve anything, because you have only two agencies: one is your conditioning, another is your ego. So one has to rely on the natural gifts that we have, is that of this Kundalini and she is your individual mother; she does not want to torture you, she does not want in any way to give you any pains, whatsoever.
Antecedents to Sahaja Yoga
June 28, 1996