The need for the Right Channel

June 23, 2002

This is the biggest calamity that the world is facing today, that those who are all so spiritual, those who have achieved great heights are least bothered as to what good has to be done. What they are doing is to enjoy their own spirituality, come to the puja, have more and more of it. But they have done no collective work to change people.

Some of them are working, one or two, bas! (hindi:that’s all) But the rest of them are having a good time enjoying themselves in such a manner that people accept them as great souls, good people, that’s all. I would like you to now introspect and find out how much collective work you have done, how many people you have got – like that. With whom are you talking? How many people have you told about Sahaja Yoga? Only so many are there. Christ had only twelve disciples; they were much more dynamic than you are.

So now you should take to the Right Side. And when you take to the Right Side we’ll create dynamic people, not just some useless, patient, very quiet, peaceful people. This was not the aim of Sahaja Yoga. The aim of Sahaja Yoga is to change, change so many. And those who are doing that, all My blessings are with them. But those who are just keeping to themselves, it is not a very good thing. In your country how many people have got to Sahaja Yoga? Just find out. With how many people you have worked it out?

So yours is not a complete yoga, yours is a partial yoga of the Left Side, where you are very loving, you are very kind, very this thing. I am not saying that you should become aggressive in any way. But even I have seen people want to be leaders, they want to be something great, but how many people have they given realisation? How many people have they talked about Sahaja Yoga?\n\nI have said even in the aeroplane also you go, you walk in the street, anywhere people talk about Sahaja Yoga. But here we are using Sahaja Yoga for our greatness, for our understanding of ourselves. This is not why Sahaja Yoga has been brought to you. It has been brought to you for giving realisations to many people.

I request all the younger people, younger generation, not to waste their Sahaj energies on nonsense as the old people have done. You better go ahead and talk to people about Sahaja Yoga, and spread the Sahaja Yoga. They are more interested in running schools, in looking after the destitutes, doing this, doing that. That’s not your job. Your job is to create more sahaja yogis, more sahaja yoginis. But that is not there, what I find is it’s not there. The Right Side is missing. You should come to the Right Side. Go all ahead. Nothing will happen to you. Nobody can kill you, nobody can disturb you, nobody can arrest you. Take it from Me! You have powers but if you don’t use them, you are like this.

That is why we have come to the stagnated point that we should know we have to use our Right Side.