There is no need to go to Himalayas. The – whatever is covering is in the Himalayas, is what is nothing but the water from the sea only. It’s one of the circles, that water passes to the Himalayas, then comes back as rivers, again falls into the same sea. They have to come to the sea. So it is everything ends up here. And then it is allowed – it goes through tapasya – it allows the Sun to create that cloud by suffering the heat, heat of the Sun, and becomes vapours, and then it goes as clouds and you get your rain. In the same way we have to be; we have to bear the heat of others, the anger of others and create vapours – means the blessings, the vibrations for others. It is with Me, same thing. When I see somebody who is sick and I treat him, of course I have to bear a little bit, sometimes quite a lot, then I absorb it and then they become vibrations. They just start flowing as vibrations. So this is what you have to learn from the sea, which is very important for sahaja yogis, that you absorb everything, doesn’t matter. But don’t get attached to it, and let it become vapours, and the Sea can now become the vapours. As you all are here, all these vapours as vibrations should flow.
This method you should try to understand by courage. Because the other day when I was coming, there was a lady sitting just on the way: “Mother, her feet are out of order, or something gone wrong. Please treat her.” Why should I treat? Why can’t you treat? Are you afraid to treat someone? Then there’s another one who comes up to say: “Mother, You treat her.” Why can’t you treat? You all can treat them, you can help them, and you’ll be surprised, the more you’ll treat them the better you will be. You should venture, you should have that much courage to treat others. If you don’t treat others you won’t grow because that is what, like the sea, as you have seen, you become the vibrations. And when you treat others there are more vibrations. Why should God give you vibrations if you are not going to use it? Simple logic. Why should God give you light if you are not going to use it? Christ has said that, “You don’t put light under a measure.” That’s what we are doing when we are not using our hands, our feet, our brains for Sahaja Yoga: we are not creating vibrations within ourselves.
The same body that is yours can just become a bundle of vibrations, if you start using these vibrations. But if you don’t use these vibrations you’ll have problems, the problems, all the time, and you will not understand: “Why? I am doing everything, I am doing this” – because you are not using your vibrations.