[T]hat is why you are here for, there’s nothing else to offer in Sahaja Yoga but the joy of life, and that is the essence of all the achievements of life. Everything we do for the joy but everything whatever we do for joy after some times we find it becomes a sort of a reaction. So there is very important point that to make our individuality beautiful we should not immediately react to people, should not give our own opinion ‘I don’t like it, I don’t want it’, but we should absorb the beauty of another person. Now supposing there’s a flower you get, immediately you will see the beauty of the flower, you like to take the fragrance of the flower but suddenly you say ‘I don’t like flowers’ then what can the flower do to you? So one should not react and one should not have such subtle idea about your likes and dislikes because it’s a joy-killer habit, it’s a joy killer. If you want to enjoy take enjoyment from every person like the bee which takes the honey from every flower you must develop that sweet personality within yourself and then only you will know what is sweet, what is good and the enjoyment from one person to another, from one collective to another, from one city to another, from one country to another will be just beautiful like a swing, it will be like a swing going up and down enjoying yourself, that’s what is your real divine sensitivity. And the divine just wants to do that. It’s working out so many ways of giving you photographs, giving you miracles, working it out, making you believe that you are in the Kingdom of God. But if you have all these angularities and if you have all these ideas about yourself then please try to neutralise them.
Reactions and Joy
December 27, 1989