Psychologists acknowledge Unconsonsious but miss Shri Ganesha

December 23, 1975

Shri Ganesha always brings balance within us. Now I will tell you the psychology because people of science always go towards psychology. What science calls the Id is Shri Ganesha. They say that the Unconscious is built in such a way that through the symbols in our dreams we can know that there is some effort to bring us into balance and to correct us. Something is being taught to us. There are many such things….even Freud, although he too was a Rakshas, and many of his students and the extent to which psychology has reached today has concluded this thing saying that the Unconscious is some great thing with intelligence. It keeps us on the right track. It is Shri Ganesha. Psychologists have not yet been able to reach Shri Ganesha because they don’t know that to reach Shri Ganesha, our life has to be pure. How can people who drink alcohol day and night, reach Shri Ganesha? One who has not made his life pure, one whose life is not in balance, one who runs behind other women leaving his wife cannot reach Shri Ganesha who is in reality the incarnation of purity.