Then comes the Water. We are also made of water. What is the subtle of water is… sometimes English language, you know, becomes little short of expressions… but they call it…I mean which makes the skin, hard skin soft. The skin becomes soft. This is another sign of a realized soul that his… there is some cream they use, isn’t it, to soften the face. But this is the water in us, gives us that luster, that nourishment to make our skin very soft and that softness of the skin becomes very visible. This is the minimum of minimum, I would say. But then a person who is a realized soul becomes very soft person, very delicate. When he talks to some body, in his voice there is warmth or I should say there is… [Shri Mataji speaks in Hindi]… to have that flow, watery flow and coolness of the water. So that is the another subtle thing that should be expressed in your behavior, on your skin, on your dealings with others, that you should be like the water, which is mobile, which is cooling, which is soothing, which is cleansing. So this also becomes a part and parcel of your being, once you become a realized soul….
For example, the water which you touch, water you drink, whatever you put your hand in the water, the water becomes vibrated. Means What? The subtleties of the water comes in it, the coolness, curing power also comes in that water. So when it becomes subtler, all these powers start showing which you can see for yourself.