Knowledge beyond intelligence

December 13, 1991

Krishna said, “Attain the true knowledge,” and people started reading books. People write and sell books on the street like beggars. Kabira has said, “Padhi, padhi pandit moorakh hoe,” meaning even scholars have become stupid by reading so many books. In my childhood I used to think, “How can anyone become stupid by reading books?” But now I have met so many scholars who are stupid, and it is so useless to talk to them.

So, whatever was said about true knowledge is that whatever you perceive or sense on your central nervous system is known as gyan. That is what is “bodh”, from which the word, “Buddha”, has come. This is what is “Vid”, from which the word, “ved”, is derived. In the first verse of the “Veda” it is mentioned that after reading this, if you still don’t recognise God, then it is a waste. The word, “Vid”, also came from this. But we want to understand everything through our intelligence. We don’t want to understand that there is something beyond intelligence. So, Krishna said in the beginning that you must acquire knowledge. Then he said next that you must do the deed. But that also has diplomacy, if you understand that. He said, “Do the deed, and surrender it to the Divine.”