So these divisive methods have come through the innate humility not being you. If you can enjoy each and everything, then you are humble. If you can appreciate each and every expression, then you are humble. This humility is a very deep-down character, because from Mooladhara it comes. And that is what is Shri Ganesha. Just imagine, He has a little rat on which He moves about, He doesn’t have Impala cars or Rolls Royces. He just moves, with all His big stomach He moves on a little rat. No assertion of His powers – He’s so humble, He’s so sweet. And He’s the creator of all the rhythms and things and vibrations. Without Him, I don’t know what would be this world. And that’s what we have to really appreciate everywhere, instead of denouncing this, that. I mean, like even the color of this room you may not like, this you may not like. I mean, there are so many things you don’t like. Then I have to ask, “What do you like?” “Baked beans” – all right! We have to open out ourselves. With humility you open out, you penetrate, you spread. Without humility you cannot, because you are objecting to everything, creating a wall. Only the humility will make you spread out. Today, the first day of our tour, I would request you that you have to be very, very humble. Understand that humility is extremely simple, and is beautiful. You saw that little girl playing veena, such a difficult Adi Vadyam, primordial instrument, playing with such sweetness, with such deftness, and so humble. And she came to Me and she said, “Mother, what a privilege it was that I got the opportunity to play before You.” Just imagine – such a genius. Another one who met Me last time was a mandolin player about the same age, maybe younger. I mean, he is now world-renowned, but when he played before Me, wouldn’t accept any money, nothing, he just went into ecstasy. Even the dancer, she told Me she went into ecstasy when she saw Me, and she just danced so well with such vigor. And she – she had temperature. She said, “My temperature is gone, everything, I am perfectly all right.” Look at those artists. I mean, they have never known Me, they don’t know anything about Sahaja Yoga. But what a humble understanding of Divinity – because they are humble. Divinity never asserts itself, doesn’t propagate itself, doesn’t make a big sound.
The signs of humility
December 6, 1991