This is the Yantra and the mechanism that is this Yantra – Kundalini – is a holy mechanism. And this mechanism is specially created within the being of the One Main, of the One means the Macrocosm and we are the cells – all of us – in that. We were made aware as fishes of the soil, we became reptiles. We were made aware of the food available at the heights, we raised our head. Gradually we became human beings.
After this state we started thinking of God. We started thinking on something beyond. Man is the only animal who thinks of God and of searching. Is the man aware that he has to become something? Why is he so confused? Why is he under so tension? What is he searching? He is searching something of which he has a glimpse – a glimpse of that Joy he kept with him and that Joy comes from his Self – Atma – in his heart – he has not felt. He has not been able to manifest the power of his Self but there is a mechanism placed within him, properly built up inside, all the time present in all the human beings just like this as it is placed in the One Being. In His image it is also placed within you.
As I said last time that you are all built to be just like computers. Now the job is to put you to the mains. That’s why you are seeking. That’s the only urge you have in life. All other urges are actually the side issues. You think you are searching in money, in position is a myth. Those who have money are dissatisfied, those who have positions are dissatisfied, everybody is dissatisfied. The satisfaction time only comes to you when you will reach the real thing which you are searching and the real thing is your Self and nothing else. All other things are useless because you are not searching anything else, you are only searching your Self and that Self is the reflection of God almighty, that is within your heart.