The unison of the Spirit

November 16, 1980

You are a realised soul, and a realised soul is something so unique that you cannot give a parallel to it. There can’t be a parallel. For example I can say, if there is a wind blowing then all the trees move in the same way. But human beings, if the wind is blowing, supposing any wind is coming, somebody will go that way, somebody will go that way, because they have a “will”. But Sahaja Yogis, if the wind is blowing, all of them will put their heads against the wind and fight it. This is a thing which cannot be given any parallel, because you are going above human things. So far never such a thing has existed. You are such unique creations that … I cannot compare you with anything that was below, or I should say, which was on this level. The level is different. So when you do everything the same way, you are doing it because you are aware of that Collectivity of the Primordial Being within you. That’s why you are doing. This transition is the point which you should catch. That’s something I feel, that when you start giving any analogies and all that, how can you give an analogy for something that never existed before? Never, Atula- that which cannot be compared. That’s one of the names of the Goddess. So, I cannot give you analogies, but I can make you understand that if your Spirit is awakened- in everybody is the Spirit which is a Collective Being, then you do it because your Spirit does it. You don’t care for ego, superego and all these nonsensical things, which are barriers in the growth of living collectivity. Now you have become livingly collective and You are that. It’s anew being that is within you. If you try to do something else, you will not like it, because this time it’s not your ego but your Spirit. As before this you listened to your ego and were happy with it, now you will be happy if you listen to your Spirit. Because now you have become the Spirit. It’s a very unique situation. You are the Spirit. And when you are the Spirit, then you become different. What analogies can I give? Then the responsibility is more also to understand. in that, when you say “yes”, another says “yes”. See in saying “yes” you’ll feel happy. Supposing you say “fish & chips”, another says, “fish & chips”, another will say “fish & chips”, everybody will say this. “Let’s go to the, right”, “let’s go to the right,” “let us go to the right,” -everybody will say. Unless and until there is somebody who ‘knows’ the job and says, “No, no. This is not the way. Right is not the way. Let us go left.” Everybody should know that he knows the way. So, “Yes, let’s go to the left”. Arguments will fizzle out, because you are in unison.