As it is, I feel that human beings do not know one fundamental truth, that you are not determined. You are not the sum, for your physical, mental, emotional life, but you are designed for spiritual. The whole design of the human being is created to enjoy your spiritual life, and not material life. This is the basic, basic thing human beings don’t understand, and that’s why, if they knew this fundamental thing, they would seek their spirit first, and they would not seek other things, because if that is the thing which is going to give us the complete enrichment and nourishment, and also the fulfillment, then why run after the things which do not determine our life? All physicals – for example, this building we built, all right? Now, this building we built with stones and, say, mortars and other things, and electricity is put in, the lights are brought in, and the whole design is made. But why? Because there is a subtle purpose behind this building. If that purpose is not there, this building is useless. It will be just a haunting place. There would be no-one visiting this place if there is no spiritual life, if there is no spirit behind it. The purpose, the spirit, is the purpose. The purpose of human life is the spirit, and not the purpose that we seek.
Now what we do actually with ourselves is that when the purpose is the spirit, all of our energy we are wasting for something that is purposeless. Like, somebody who was interested only in counting these pillars, what will you call him? Or who will start counting these nice fittings, what do you call such a man? That, this is not the thing you are supposed to do here. What are you supposed to do here is to come for the purpose for which this building is built.
So, if you understand this fundamental thing, that the purpose of human being is spiritual, the whole universe is created to create human beings, for what? To be a part of these stones and the mortars? It is to become that spirit which is within you. So, once you understand our purpose, then we can talk about it.