Dangers of extremes of left and right

October 31, 1980

Cancer is a simple disease. Now they have reached a point where they are coming nearer to Sahaj Yoga. On the left hand side and the right hand side we have certain areas, and now they are talking about these areas which exist within us and they say there is an attack from these areas which are built within us from the time of our creation, and these areas have those deposits and they send forth some protein matter, which we cannot identify otherwise, which might have gone out of circulation of evolution. When they attack us cancer is triggered. And now this I have said at least ten years back. I have been saying that there are entities who enter into us. ’Us’ meaning the central path, the middle path, the middle road. They come from the sides and attack us. But actually when we go to the extremes of the left or to the right, we ourselves become vulnerable and we are attacked and that’s how cancer is set in.

So down below is the hell, the left side is the collective subconscious, the right side is the collective supraconscious, which is the future side of it. In the top is the Divine Power, which is the superconsciousness we can call it, or the collective unconscious as they call it, which becomes conscious as soon as the Kundalini touches it.

Your attention goes there and the whole thing is lifted just like the tent being lifted up, and you find that nothing can enter into your attention anymore. You are in that area where you cannot get attacked.