High place of seekers

October 24, 1993

So in the judgement of the Divine Love we have two types of people: one who are Seekers of Truth and the another who are not. They may be good people, they may be nice people, they [may] be doing a lot of good work, social work, this work, missionary work, every sort of work they might be doing, but if they are not seeking the Truth, then they do not come to that category where God has to incarnate. So try to understand the preciousness, the importance of seekers. And that’s what you have been – seeking. Very few persons. If you take the percentage of seekers, is very, very wee bit. But it’s very important because, say a…one little part of gold is much more valuable than mounds of steel. In the same way a seeker is much more valuable in the growth of spirituality. The whole universe was created, whole atmosphere was built, all the evolution took place for what? That human beings should know the Truth.