No Technique

October 23, 1980

When I say there is no technique, people do not want to believe it, because technique they want. But you have taken for granted all these things, isn’t it? I mean, one day you are sleeping, you find that the blossom time has come, lots of flowers are there. One morning you get up you find most of the flowers have become fruits, and you take it for granted. Do you ask for a technique there?

In the same way what technique did you employ to become human beings from amoeba? Say from monkey’s state to human beings: did you cut your tails to become human beings? Didn’t we become spontaneously that? It’s rather difficult to accept. But logically, you tell me, if it is a living process, what do we have do?

It is impossible to explain to people that there is no technique. They must have a technique. Now why do we want to have a technique?Let us face ourselves. Because we think we must do something about it: if we are not doing anything about it, then how can we get it? Because we think whatever we have got in this world is through our effort, by working for it. But what have you got? You’ve got everything dead! Say for example, something is dead, these stones are dead and you have made a building out of it. So what? Dead from the dead! What have you got living with you? Have you got any living powers? Can you give life to a fruit or to a tree? You cannot.

What have you achieved? Is only dead. With effort you can only achieve dead. Have you achieved anything living? If you put such a question to yourself then you will understand that living processes, we have to accept, are spontaneous: we cannot put any technique on it. As soon as we want to have technique, we must know this is our Mr Ego who wants to get satisfied.