So [Lakshmi] is born out of the Guru principle. And this Guru principle starts working in you, when you have this Lakshmi principle awakened. Not money, I’m not saying money. Is the Lakshmi principle when you start thinking, “What sweet thing I should give to another?” When you start thinking, “What should I do for others?” You have to be extremely sweet, soft, not dry, not dry people. “How to express my love?”
So first thing is, as the sea spreads its wings and says, “All right, let the sun take away my water, let me boil, let it become the clouds.” In the same way you people have to understand that unless and until I allow the Sun, that’s the Spirit, to evaporate this water from me, means to give to others, how will I develop this guru principle within myself?
You cannot have salt in the seawater unless and until you evaporate it. So you cannot become a guru unless and until you allow the evaporation of this water, of this wealth, the money that you have. But if you are not matured enough, like the sea, then you will remain at a level that, like mad, collecting all the muck of the world and ultimately end up in some lunatic asylum. Because all maryadas are lost, all dharma is lost. Without guru principle, how you can have dharma?
You do not think of anybody else, you do not even think of your father, mother or anyone, you don’t think of your collective work, you don’t think of the world. That’s too much. So you become small, small, small, small, small. But when this Lakshmi tattwa starts, that’s the first inkling of love, love for others.
I know you all love Me very much. But it’s not complete reflection of your Mother. You have to love each other and share everything with each other, with love. Then this first light of love, Lakshmi, starts showing in you. In that light when you move, you become very deeply generous, enjoy your generosity.