Decorating ourselves with humility

October 17, 1982

So what is our decoration? It is humility. It is simplicity. Not cleverness, arrogance, putting others down, showing-off, but a complete surrender, surrendering all your egoistical qualities.

Let the virginity be reborn within you. From today you all have to take a vow, it’s the New Year’s day for us- that we all will surrender our horrible tempers, dominating natures, asserting behaviours, ego-oriented harshness, domination. I don’t know what use it has. Unless and until you surrender that, the Lord of virginity, Shri Ganesha, will not be able to crown your Agnya Chakra. Whatever we have done so far should just give us this: if our past could give us the idea as to how humble we have to be with each other, with all the Sahaja Yogis, how kind we have to be, how loving, how universal.

Virgin cannot accept ideas which are not universal, she cannot! That’s a sign of a Virgin because she is universal by nature. All fanaticism, all racialism, caste system, all these things which artificially separates man from man, woman from woman, nation from nation, will all finish off, as soon as you become innocent.