Nobody is going to stand by you, organization-wise, I can tell you, all your organizations will never accept Me as a whole, never. Because they stand on some false-hood, they will never accept Me, the whole of it. None of these organizations are going to accept Me. In America I have seen the same thing….
So the whole of it won’t come to Me, because the basis is wrong, the basis is wrong, absolute falsehood it is. The basis of all these organizations is wrong. It has done no good, if you see it very clearly and honesty, they are doing no good. At the most they are philanthropic things, like, ah, like ah, we can say a council which is rendering help to some sick people, to admit in the hospital, some this and that, that’s all. At the most if they are correct. You see, you are like council-members, you see council-members. But why bring in God there? It’s all right, you are social workers, do the social work. It is not spiritual. Spiritual work is spiritual question where you have to be awakened.