Consequences of Mother missing from Trinity

October 11, 1993

We have God the father, God the son and the third one is a Holy Ghost, is a dove. How can you have a father and a son and no mother?

But there is a Primordial Mother which was accepted by all the religions even the Jews had it. Greeks called it Athena. “Atha” in Sanskrit means “primordial”. Athena. In India, this is called as Adi Shakti. In every religion, they had this Mother who was the Primordial Mother.

So he [Paul] cancelled all the powers of a mother and that is how the women have an inferiority complex, I think, or insecurity, in the Western world.

Because they think we have to, all the time be apologetic and we should always serve the men and we should sell our body. We should make ourselves very attractive, otherwise, we have no place! And that is how the morality of women is shattered.