“Backstory” of Christ’s incarnation in Devi Purana

October 6, 1981

Today I wanted to tell you about the Agya chakra, about Jesus Christ who adorns this center of Agya chakra, where you see the red mark. Behind that, inside, in the brain on the crossing of the optic chasm is this subtle center where this great Deity is placed. Through His crucifixion and through His Resurrection, he has created this space for us to enter into the Kingdom of God, which is placed within us. It is not without, it is in the limbic area that surrounds your ego and superego. In the Puranas, in the ancient scriptures of India, Christ is described so very clearly. Actually in the Bible what they saw of Him when He was on this Earth was written down. But nothing [about] what created Him, how He came on this Earth what is the spirit of Christ, what is the seat of Christ and how He came and what is His purpose and where does He stand within us. All these things are not described in the Bible. As I told you the people at that time were not at all aware of His greatness, of His special Incarnation.

But if you read some of these ancient books you’ll find that He was called as Mahavishnu in the Devi Purana, in the Goddess Purana, [which] is the ancient scripture of the Goddess. Mahavishnu was created immaculately.