But the highest thing that happens to you that you develop a new dimension in your awareness which we call as collective consciousness. You become collectively conscious, Jung has talked about it, you become collective, conscious, means you start feeling others on your finger tips. On your finger tips you can feel yourself. Now these chakras, as you have been told, are denoted on your palms and you can feel on your finger tips your own chakras and the chakras of others, the centres of others and your own.
So who is the other? You become collectively conscious. I am saying again, you become! It’s not lecturing, it’s not saying. Then see how many problems get solved, you know. For example, we indulge, as he said that we are really creating problems for our Mother Earth, but actually because we are not collectively conscious. Once you are collectively conscious, you are in your awareness, then all the time you think that: “What will harm others? Should I smoke or not? Why should I smoke? It will harm others. Should I start a pub or not? No, because it will harm others.” All these wrong things that we are doing for money or for anything whatsoever, drop. We just don’t do wrong things, just don’t do. Why? Because we are collectively conscious.