Right and left Vishuddhi

June 2, 1985

So this right Vishuddhi gives you a kind of a mind which tries to justify everything and tries to explain everything. Every action can be explained. “Why did you murder?” “Because this.” “Why did you do that?” “Because of this.” Once you start justifying your wrong deeds, right Vishuddhi goes up to your brain. And then whatever you do has a justification.

Like, if I say that the Americans came to this country, they actually robbed the other people of their land and now very nicely settled down. Now, when I say that, immediately most of them will go to the left Vishuddhi. “Oh, we are very guilty, we did this, we did that.”

But a real Sahaja Yogi won’t do that. A real Sahaja Yogi, what he will do, he’ll say, “Alright, this is done by my fore-fathers, I did not do it. But I can try to rectify it, I’ll try to be beyond racialism; I’ll look after these people who have been robbed, I’ll try to give them whatever is possible.” This is the way you face and not just to say, “Oh, I’m so guilty that my fore-fathers did this and all that.” But what are you doing about it?

Like I went to Switzerland and I said, “Don’t feel guilty.” So one lady said that “I’m feeling guilty for Vietnam.” I said, “What did you do there? Why are you feeling guilty for Vietnam, of all the things, at least you did not go to fight there. Why did you feel guilty about it.” So she says, “I’m feeling just guilty because I think we have done a wrong thing.” I said, “But how do call yourself ‘we’?”

So this is also another point which comes out of indiscretion that we suddenly become a personality which is a part and parcel of the whole. So we think that “Oh, we Americans are of the world.” Alright, how? The day you become the world most of the problems will be solved. They’re the greatest headaches, like Russians are. Both are headaches to the whole world.

If they become the whole world, there’s no problem, there’s no problem, because then they become the love.