So to create that human, extremely human personality in the Sahastrara, She comes as Mahamaya. Sahastrara is the most powerful chakra because it is the seven chakras combination and many others. With the Sahastrara you can do anything. You can manage the sun, you can manage the moon, you can manage the Earth, you can manage the temperatures, everything. But, through Mahamaya, things work out very normally, very normally and they should work out normally. For example, somebody can say, “Mother, there is atmosphere full of all these horrible ecological problems. Why don’t you clear them?” If it is cleared, people will go on producing. It is the problem of the human beings and if it is corrected by Me, they’ll take it for granted. They have to face those problems,. They have to change their habits. They have to understand that they are the ones who are destroying themselves. Otherwise, if somebody’s there just to cleanse it out, they will never change. Also, miraculously, one can do lots of things. One can say, “Mother, as You solve the problems of Sahaja Yogis, why don’t You solve the problem of others?” No. To solve their problem is not the end of My work, nor is the purpose. But to make them equipped so that they can solve their own problem, that’s what I have to do.
The methods of Mahamaya
May 8, 1994