Analogy of evolution to a spacecraft

April 29, 1980

I am going to put forward before you a hypothesis which as good scientists or intelligent people you must keep your mind open and try to absorb it. If it is proved then you have to accept it. There lies the real bravery of intellect. If intellect teaches cowardice it is not intellect. So I have to put forward before you: what is within us which resides as our subtle being?

First of all let us understand that we are made something like a spacecraft. You can also see how a seed sprouts: that from a seed the whole tree comes one after another. Spacecraft is not a living process but it gives you some idea as to how this living process of evolution takes place.

There are containers in the spacecraft. In the same way, we can say, we have got physical, emotional, mental and spiritual containers placed inside each other. The spacecraft when it rises first with the outer shell countains all the other shells within it and it reaches a certain height, a certain velocity where it is triggered into an explosion and you get a much higher speed.

In this way, within us, when our physical being is exploded we get an accelerated velocity of our evolutionary process and we then explode our emotional being then the mental being and then the spiritual being is exploded.

Now the spiritual being within you is placed in the bone called sacrum, in our triangular bone. Imagine the Greeks called it ‘sacrum’ because it is a sacred bone and if the human body burns this bone does not get burnt. How from the unconscious they got these ideas? Now, when this spiritual being within you is placed on the sacrum bone you are a human being and your awareness is at human level.

When the last blasting takes place within you then you jump into the realm of divine Power which is subtle, which is all-pervading, about which all the great saints and all the great incarnations have told. Now, when you jump into that awareness your attention becomes one with that space.

If you know that in the space Newtown’s law does not act because you reach an absolute state. In the same way when this Kundalini rises and travels all the way to this position called as the fontanelle bone area – in the Sanskrit it is called as ‘Talu’ – which is very soft as a child. When the Kundalini pearces this area you get your baptism and you become one with the all-pervading Power. Your attention becomes enlightened. This is enlightenment.