India’s special role

April 17, 2000

The other day before the IAS (Indian Administrative Service) officers, I told them that my husband was selected to the Indian Foreign service to begin with. I told him very frankly, “I am not going with you to foreign service. Just now we have got independence and you want to go to foreign countries. Moreover, we don’t drink, how are we going to manage the parties and things? I have nothing to do with the Foreign Service, I am going to stay here, and if you want, you can go.” He was quite surprised at my reaction. So he said, “I’ll try if I can get into IAS.” And luckily he got it. Of course in that he lost his pay or whatever it was, but I was so very happy that this is the time we have to buildup our country. Of course I couldn’t do anything because he was in the government service. But through him I could see that we can work out many things and I need not work. I need not sort of put in my ideas, but he can do that. And it was so interesting how things were worked out by him and how he was so much engrossed into his work. He never took leave for, I think, all the time when we were here, not even one day. It’s very surprising. And Shastriji always felt that he is sacrificing his family life. But no, not at all, I never felt that way. I felt that it is our duty now as Indians to pay this country, to be the most excellent, performing nation we can. We are very intelligent people. You can see now, how people are doing so well in this new era of internet, software. I feel that now the Saraswati has joined hands with Lakshmi and people are really showing results of this combination. The time has come for our country to really develop into a new financial status.

But that’s not the end of it. Even if you have lots of financial advantages and even if you become a very technologically developed country, still if you go to such countries where they are so developed, they are not happy. They have no peace. There is no love. It’s a very funny situation that money could not buy anything for them. So now, what is the problem is that we should know what do we want really. For that the Creator who has created us has really made all the arrangements. Only one step towards the evolutionary process, towards our evolution, towards our resurrection, can solve that problem. That capacity we have. That, actually we are chosen ones, we are chosen ones. Especially this country is such a great country it is, it’s a ‘Yogabhumi’ (Land of yoga). It’s full of vibrations, full of divinity but we have become so much now, I should say, alienated from that and that’s why we don’t know what do we have in this Motherland of ours and what we can achieve. A day will come when all the world will come and worship this Yogabhumi.