Now above that is the, you see the third center. which is called as Nabhi, means the navel. This is the center of the way we absorb the virtues, or the virtues are enlightened. When this center is enlightened we really become righteous. We don’t have to tell, “Now you don’t do this and don’t do that”. You just become. Like a saint, a real saint, will not do wrong things. In the same way when a person gets his Realization, by the virtue of this center, he becomes absolutely balanced: balanced with his family life, with his wife, with his children, balanced with the politics, economics, balanced with the society, balanced with all the people whom he knows; in a very balancing way he starts behaving. There’s not one-sided activity. For example, somebody may be very much attached to the wife and may try to harm others. Somebody who is very much attached to others, may harm his wife. So a kind of a balance is established by this, and a person who gets this develops a personality which we call as regal. That sense of dignity comes into such a person. Now you see our children have lost the virtues, our children don’t have that regalty. They have become very cheapish also, and they run after materialism and things like that; they fight for small, small things. It’s not only children, even the grown-ups are like that and they try to waste their energy, fighting for something that is so useless.
So by enlightenment of this center you understand the value of matter. And the value of matter is this: that it has aesthetics, first of all, and secondly, you can express your love only through matter. If you love somebody you’ll give them something, a little flower also can express your love. Anything can express your love through matter, and then you become a very generous and very enjoyable person. Some people feel that if you become generous, you will be bankrupt. It’s not so. On the contrary, if you open one door, no air will come in, but if you open the other door, all the air will start circulating. In the same way, when a person is generous he starts getting so many blessings – because he is also connected with the Divine – that he is amazed. He doesn’t know what to do with the things that he has got, and then he starts pouring it to others. There are so many things people are telling Me about, miracles and miracles of even material things in their jobs, in their purchasing, in their shopping, the way they have seen miracles happening that it is nothing but just that this center is enlightened. And with this center, within you a righteousness comes in. And this righteousness doesn’t force anybody else, it’s just righteousness itself which doesn’t command anything or demand anything, but it becomes a respectable personality, and you just start really understanding that, “Look at this man”.
Somebody was telling Me today that in the office people asked, “How are you so dignified?” He said, “I didn’t know I was so dignified.” “No, you don’t do anything undignified, and you do everything just like a child also”. So there’s a child-like dignity you develop, and it’s a beautiful thing to happen, really it’s angelic.