Wherever you will stand you’ll be auspicious, you will create harmony, peace and joy.
That’s your work, that’s your style, that’s what you are here for. But beware, you ought to be very careful, because the surroundings seem to be quite deceptive and quite troublesome.
And from that surrounding you are coming out suddenly into a new surrounding where you have known what is Divine love, what is Divinity.
One has to be very careful because the forces that are negative are very strong, and working at you all the time, because you’ve come from matter, you have evolved from matter and it’s easy to go to matter, to materialism, to the materialistic ideas; and this materialism takes you to primitiveness. All your culture, all your beauty will drop out as soon as you take to materialism. If everything becomes money there’s no place for God, no place for love, no place for beauty or for any graciousness.
Money is for us, we are not for the money. Money should be at our command. We don’t have to give up anything for that.
And here then we see the materialism coming up in a very different way, very subtle ways, and we do not see it. When we start saying “my, mine, this is mine” then you are slowly drifting towards materialism.
When you see yourself in the collective, that’s the only way you can get out of materialism. Because you are in reality a collective being. You are not an individual that way. But the matter divides you from each other. And when you realize that we are not slaves of matter, matter is our slave, we are not going to be dominated by any matter, then you can feel that love.
One goes to absurd limits if you take to materialism; and everything can be explained in the name of materialism. But in the name of Divine how far can you go and explain?
You have to just enjoy it.
When you enjoy you don’t want to explain or talk about it, you just want to enjoy. Divinity is to be enjoyed within and without. It’s within you, divinity is within you, but is to be enjoyed. That’s only possible if you understand that you are not going to be dominated by any matter whatsoever.