Genetic variations by race

April 5, 1994

The variety’s so much in the nature, but still how they abide together and the greatest thing they have is that always the desire to get the sunlight and every leaf, every branch tries to give chance to another leaf and another branch, that they all get the sunlight. If you have to see collectivity, really you see in a jungle or in a place like this. How they live together and with such happiness, with such unity. They are all under the complete control of the divine laws, no doubt, and they are so much enjoying.

It’s only the human beings who have got this freedom, the will, “free will” as they call it. If you want to go to heaven, you can go to heaven. If you want, you can go to hell. And that is what we are facing now in modern times, that if we do not take course to sensible things we may be all wiped out of the surface of the Earth. I’ve been telling since long that it affects our genes. Supposing a father is an alcoholic, the son also gets it in his genes. So many things, most of the vulnerability that you have or what you can call the susceptibly is coming from these genes. And the susceptibility to do something wrong, always to take to something bad, whatever is destructive, comes from the gene and it was said that the Asians have two genes which protects them, bars them for doing something wrong. Might be a culture research, I don’t know. And the Aboriginals and the people who have lived in the nature have only one gene that protects. But for white skin, there’s no gene to protect. Can you imagine? They’re left to winds. Whichever way the wind blows, they start blowing.