And there are some very good points also I have seen about Australia, which are very surprising because they believe in the multi-racial society and they preserve it. They try to help the people through justice if some people are troubled and tortured.
It’s a very bold attitude towards progress that we should have multicultural society. And this comes, again I would say, after resurrection of political thought. America is multicultural society, full of it, and as a result of that, as a result of that, they have progressed very much financially. But they didn’t learn anything from the multicultural society.
For example, Spanish went there. Spanish, as you know, are bullfighters. They went and destroyed all the cultures of the ancient times. And the new people who have gone they don’t have any rapport with them. Like Indians have a separate identity, then we have other cultures like Islamic and all that, so they don’t keep any connection with them.
The original aboriginals are also kept out as something very low-level.
But here I find people have a curiosity and also knowledge about the other cultures which are around them. That shows the sense of collectivity is within your genes, we can say, that it is working out in such a way that this country believes still in the multicultural society.
All these are manifestation of Shri Ganesha’s quality.