The thread that binds the Sahaja Yogis

March 30, 1990

The thread by which you are tied is your Mother’s thread. You must always remain tied to that thread and remember that we are the children of Shri Mataji. No one is superior or inferior. Nor do we do anything. This Param Chaitanya is doing everything. When this feeling comes that we did, we will do this for that, we are very great, then the Param Chaitanya lets you do what you want. You can go to hell or destroy yourself. It won’t stop you because it respects your freedom. There is another fault with Sahaja Yogis. We are a collective being. A one collective Virat Shakti. We are all one body. We are not by ourselves. In that body if one person or a few persons starts making their own group, then like the malignancy of cancer, where one cell starts growing separately, in the same way one such person can grow and devour the whole of Sahaja Yoga. And all my efforts will go to waste.

We should learn from the ocean, which is the lowest and which gathers all the rivers into itself, heats itself and becomes vapour and gives the blessing of rain to the whole world. Humbleness is the sign of its depth. When we will become extremely humble and loving then only we will become large like the ocean. But if you think only of your self importance and superiority then the problem will be that the Param Chaitanya will cut off, and you will get thrown aside which is very painful to me. People who think, “I have done this,” or “I have done that,” should immediately step into the background and see whether they meditate or not.