Allowing for spontaneity

March 18, 1985

You have to be very spontaneous. More spontaneous. You see, like I was telling you the planning side, now what – I go to the shop. First I go to the shop. Say I have to buy something for cooking. I see what is available – I buy all that. Bring it home and then cook. While you people decide beforehand what you are going to buy. What you are going to make. And when you go you don’t find that. It’s the other way around. Spontaneity is that what is available now, all right, what do we make out of it. You go to the shop, you see something nice which is artistic or something for the Ashram, you want to buy something like that to decorate this. Buy it. For anything, for presents, or anything, just buy it and keep it. It comes handy.

So whatever is presented to you is spontaneous – not what is in your mind. This is the point you miss. Whatever is in your mind is not the one that is presented to you. Because Nature is going to present you. isn’t it? This ‘Ritamvara-Pragnya’ (divine intellect) is going to present you. Brahma-Shakti is going to present you with things. But you will not avail of it because you have something in your own mind. So it will cross over. This is not what spontaneity is. Wait for that you should, something comes up all right. Let’s do, let’s have it. For anything. Supposing somebody is coming. Now think what things we should do to make them happy. Let’s do something to make each one happy. Among also you, yourselves, you are all leaders now. Let’s see when it is his birthday you should be sending some nice note, something nice for him to feel or some sort of a little present for him, “Oh, all right, I will give this one; will suit him very well.” Little, little things, you see, make your life so beautiful.

In nature also you see little, little things, little projections that makes the variety. It’s so beautiful…. It is spontaneous. Don’t try to override the other way around, that’s the trouble with the western mind. They always try to arrange the other way round.