But then how to overcome higher attachments? Like there are attachments that: “I should write a book on Sahaja Yoga” or “I should paint something for Sahaja Yoga, I must earn for Sahaja Yoga, I must do this for Sahaja Yoga.” This is also, in a very subtle way, is ego that: “I should be the leader of Sahaja Yoga”. Then there are jealousies. If Mother says: “this is not good” you feel hurt. If Mother says: “this is good”, you feel happy. That means you are still at a very subtler state of ego, where you think that whatever you say should be approved by Me. That is something, is very subtle, and we do not understand that if Mother is not approving of it, there must be basic divine reason, otherwise why should I not approve of it?
So when you have such subtler attachments also, of a higher level we should say, we must know that it’s all the work of God and we are just channels in the hands of God. Now we have a very good example, as I have told you many a times, of the little cell at the tip of the root of a tree, how it is so wise to avoid whatever is hard and to take to whatever is soft and to embed the tree into the soil. It has that innate wisdom with which we also are endowed, and we have to work it out in such a way that we do not get involved into anything which is extremely hard.