Clearing up myths about Kundalini

March 7, 1990

This kundalini is the three and a half coiled energy within us. The coiled is called as ‘kundala’ in sanskrit that’s why its called as kundalini. But some people say that its a serpent energy, but it is not. Because always all energies move in waves like this. Thats why we can say that it looks like a serpent – that it is moving like in a wave. But it’s not a serpent energy. It is the energy that moves like a serpent. And any energy if you see it never moves straight; it always moves with a wavy pattern. So this energy is settled within us in the triangular bone. And it has to pass through six subtle centres, while the seventh centre is below the kundalini. And this is the centre which is for all our excretion inclusive of sex. So sex has nothing to do with your yoga. On the contrary, when the kundalini is rising all your excretory movements and excretory things just become dull or sleep. And then the kundalini rises. It passes through all these six centres. She nourishes them. She integrates them and ultimately passes through here into the limbic area which is a hollow place and pierces through the sixth centre here which we call as the ‘brahmarandhra’ meaning ‘the hole of the Brahma’ – the all pervading power and then enters into the subtle energy which is controlling us, which is organising us, which is doing all living work on this earth and in the whole universe. And also which loves us. This is how the connection takes place and this is what is yoga.