So what happens that, when you are putting your attention so much to outside all the time, then you must first of all also divert your attention. For example, you see these beautifully made things here. Your attention is something else – just try to enjoy the beauty of that. See, there are beautiful carpets here, just look at them without thinking, because they don’t belong to you, so no headache, they belong to somebody else, is very good! Otherwise, if it belongs to you, you start thinking ; “Oh, My God, I have spread them here, what will happen, they have to be insured!” Or some sort of a thing like that. That’s common human reaction. But if it doesn’t belong to you, you can watch it nicely. Now you watch it and don’t think. You’ll be amazed, when you see the beauty that is put inside this, you’ll see the artist who has put his joy, his exuberance into it, and you’ll be amazed, after Realization, that, this exuberance will fill into you and a cool kind of a relaxation will come into you, and this Kundalini will rise, and you’ll become steady in your thoughtless awareness.
So whenever you look at anything, look at any beautiful thing, even say, today’s election, just watch the man who is elected. Watching him itself, gives him blessings, gives him better ideas. You get also ideas, which are coming from reality, which are there : how to make this man a successful person, or this country a successful democracy.
All these things happen when your attention is diverted from criticising, from reacting. Just you watch, become the witness, try to witness everything. It’s not so very yet practised. So far, I’ve seen, that whenever even we get our- achieve our Realization, we don’t realize that we have to witness everything. When you start witnessing through your Spirit, then you don’t see the bad points of another, but you see the good points. You just pick up the person with very good points.
So once you see that the witness state enlarges, and you start enjoying another person, you start enjoying every thing that is there, even a small blade of grass you can enjoy, if you have that capacity.