It looks fantastic, but we are fantastic if you see that, aren’t we? Look at the computer that man has made. It has to think, it has to go through the process of all programing. But when we see, we know. You see Me, you know I’m sitting here. This is a wonderful computer we have but yet, we are not connected with that collective personality, with that all pervading power, which is all around us. Yesterday you did feel it, it is all around and it is so helpful, in every way. We have to prove the existence of God. We have to prove now, the time has come. It cannot be some sort of a nonsensical thing like as he was telling Me that now they are saying in Kundalini you jump and you scream and you shout, you take out your clothes and all that. I said this you can do, for that why should you pay, I mean if you want to take out your clothes, if you want to jump, if you want to scream you need not pay, you need not have a guru for that. We can do it here, anybody can do it in their garden, in their bathrooms, what is the need to pay for it? There’s no need to have a guru for that. It is something you must understand, must use our brains, this we can do ourselves, what is the need to do it? And even if it is done by something else, that’s not what we have to achieve.
What we have to achieve is our Spirit and that is something you cannot pay for. Because the Kundalini rises and you can see the rising of the Kundalini, you can feel the cool breeze coming out of your head, these you cannot pay, you cannot work it out yourself, even if you want, you cannot. You cannot get it out of your head. Is a fact, and that’s what it is, something that you cannot do has to be done by the living process. Like a seed, we cannot just take out the primula out of it, pull it out and say now it has sprouted. Spontaneously happens. In the same way it has to happen, spontaneously. And then that effortlessness, because the nature does everything for you.
But after that you have to know what is this, what is this power, how to work it out and there were I find people fail in the West. They don’t have that system by which they settle down, into things. You see, they are very jumpy people, like guru shopping. Now they have come to Me, then go to another guru. Then they’ll go to another guru. That’s not the way to work out. Now you have to settle down, once you have sprouted you must settle down, you must get to it, and then you tell Me what happens.