But there’s one thing definitely, which I didn’t say there which is a very important point one should try to see. That the awareness – ‘Chetana’, the awareness, grows downward of a human being and the roots of the tree of the awareness are in the brain. So one has to take to ‘urdvagati’ – means the ascent and not to the descent. A human being is born in the Bhavasagara, which is as we call in the void, as you can see here clearly in Sahaja Yoga. Either he can go upward or he can go downward. Now see the, how the human awareness has reached ‘adhogati’ – is a downward descent. Very simple to see if you understand what Krishna meant that the roots are in the brain?
When I’ve been in the Western countries I realize it’s much more because they are supposed to be advanced, developed, sophisticated, educated, intellectuals, whatever you may call them. I’ve been to all Communists countries and all the democracies and all kinds of isms. What I realized that exactly what Shri Krishna had said that asuri vidya will take over. The descent of awareness is seen clearly in those countries. Thank God we are not that advanced.
The descent starts from the Nabhi Chakra as we call it where a person starts seeking the food this that and other requirements, then it starts moving downwards. The essence of the Nabhi Chakra is ‘Swaha’. ‘Swaha’ is the consumption. It consumes everything, it aggresses everything, consumes, just like the fire. In the same way once upon a time these developed countries spread all over the world started consuming everyone. Ruling our country, China, all kinds of countries, they went round all over the world. Thank God Columbus missed his point otherwise we would not have been here. He went to America and you cannot find aboriginals unless and until you enter into some far fetched places like Peru. Then the consumption of money on the economic ground started. Then the consumption of the Mother Earth started at the ‘Bhu’ level. But the ‘Bhurva’ is the ‘Antariksha’ in the whole Universe. We are going to the Sun, we are going to the moon, we are going to this, we are going to that. What about going inside in the ascent?