So the Sahaja yogis should understand that we are friends of the nature. And whatever Nature gives us, we have to respect it. Better wear natural clothes as far as possible. One natural shirt is better than three unnatural ones, because you can breathe better, your skin breathes better, you can wash it better. So best is to take to more natural things. I think this trend is coming up, and that’s a very good trend, that we should take to natural things. And when we take to natural things, there’s one thing we cannot have too many of it. But if you start using something plastic, then there can be any number and that’s how you really torture the Mother Earth.
First of all, you dig her out. Then you wear all these things. And they cannot be destroyed. There are mountains and mountains. Mountains and mountains of this plastic. If you go in America, even in England I’ve seen mountains, such a filthy sight. They can’t burn it. If you put it in the sea, it floats. And wherever you go near all these so- called very big cities, if you see the sea from the airplane you find all littered up completely. So we are spoiling our beaches, we are spoiling our homes and wasting our money. So these entrepreneurs have no feelings for the nature. They never think what nature is like.