How to develop a detached personality

February 11, 1983

For if there is a sly person, [after realization] he will become sly, but subtler sly. He will not just become the other way round. His slyness will become subtler. If he is a miserly fellow, then he will become miserly in a subtler way. Or say, if he is an ego-oriented fellow, then he becomes ego-oriented in a subtler way. But to get rid of these things within you, you have to go to the other side of it. Say if you are miserly, you become absolutely generous; give up everything that you have. Don’t be calculated, don’t talk of money, don’t worry about money. If you are extravagant, indulgent too much, you should go the other way round. Unless and until you become juxtaposition, you cannot get rid of these things. Like if you are hot-tempered man, very hot-tempered, then become so mild that even if somebody beats you, it’s all right. Whatever one says it’s all right. That’s how you get rid of your habits which become subtler and subtler.

There’s another way of dealing with it, being alert. When you are alert, you start seeing yourself as a separate person with the habits that it has, and then you start understanding why you are behaving, “Oh, I understand, I knew you before, ten years back, before my Realization. I know Mr., you are like this”. And then take the [opposite] juxtaposition against that personality and just shoot it off. Like a person who is a negative, left-sided person, whatever you may do for that person, he will become subtler and subtler. Suddenly, if it’s a girl, she will start just crying for nothing at all and feeling miserable. If it’s a boy, if he thinks about, analyses, he will become [an] analyzer of Sahaja Yoga also, in a subtler way. Then what they should do is to stand before the photograph and see the reflection, “That’s the other one who died”. And just try to make fun of that or shout at it, depends on. If it is an aggressive stuff, it’s better to make fun, because it’s stupid. And if it is that one that takes aggression, then shout at it, “What do you mean, by taking aggression like that?”