Moon is one of the symbols, Moon is one of the symbols. Why? Because according to Sahaja yoga we reach the state where you touch the Sadashiva in the symbolic form, you see. Or if you can say that after getting Realization if you see the abstract form of God then we say after reaching your Brahmarandhra you cross over your limbic area and then you go to Ardhabindu.
Ardhabindu is the Moon. Moon is the Spirit. Because, Shiva also wears the Moon on his head. Sada Shiva also wears the Moon on His head. So Moon is the spectator. Isn’t it?
Sun is the working part. He works and it reflects on the Moon. So you become the spectator yourself and start going into that. So every symbol is the same and now why we use the Moon more than the Sun, about the timings? Because it is the Moon which is more effective in creating desire within ourselves.
Like the Moon affects even the sea, not the Sun. Sun is a constant– stuck practically, except for it changes its axis sometimes, that’s all. And the distances between Sun has not much significance with the Earth, except that if the Earth loses its axis a little bit more or becomes a little bit flatter, then maybe that the speed of the Earth may be reduced. So we can only control the speed.
But the Moon is a subtler thing which acts in subtle, subtler ways. Because you have seen the Moon acts on the tides, it acts on the temperaments, it is a much subtler thing. Desire is much more subtle than the action itself. It’s a deeper thing. So the action comes out of the desire. So it is better to affect the desire than to affect the action. And that is why, in India, people accept Moon as the indicator for dates and all that. But in the West people are so much more time-bound such that for them they would not like to have these variations, because they are not prepared for any such variations. For them, 12 o’clock is 12 o’clock. And they are very, very rigid people. Such rigid people are no good, they are not living being[s] you see.
So it is not one way or the other. Even Surya – the Sun – is very important. But why the Moon is important because it makes you subtler. And that is why one should achieve the Moon as they say. Right-sided people must achieve the Moon. At least they should be little bit changing their programs, little flexibility otherwise there is no gap in-between.