A Mother’s perspective

January 22, 1979

[T]his dharma of humans is so great – it needs to be safeguarded with utmost importance and respect. You keep yourself in balance, follow your dharma in a proper way. That doesn’t mean reciting the name of god a thousand times when you wake up in the mornings. This dharma is all to do with your sincerity – you need to be sincere about yourself, about your dharma. There shouldn’t be any showing off – like someone wears weird clothing and proclaims himself to be a dharmic person. Such fakes come from time to time to argue with me. He who has put the dharma in balance is the real Brahmin and a real human being. This balance needs to be safeguarded.

If adharma starts increasing, then incarnations take birth – else it doesn’t work out. And then those ‘avataras’ (incarnations) are not really gentle. For example, the destroying power of Krishna. You need to bear in mind that although they are incarnations of the divine, they are not those of the mother. These folks start off with swords in their hand to bring forth the destruction. But then I stepped in the middle for no reason (Mother laughs) – I said, “Let them first get to know their ‘atma’ and start walking the righteous path.” Get that invaluable treasure that has been your property all this while. Enjoy that state of being your true ‘you’. Play along with it. And use that to become one with others. To help you achieve all this – that is our work. That is why we have come on this earth, to give you all that. That, you take. You should take it. It doesn’t require any money. Doesn’t require anything. There is no need to show off – we can see everything, in and out. You only need to desire and ask for it from within, sincerely – that’s it.

About that, yes, the gurus do disagree with me, “Why give realization to every Tom, Dick and Harry?”, they ask. I tell them they are somewhat right, but then there is no other way. If this realization doesn’t work out collectively in an en masse way, then what will happen of my children? They are my blood as well. They are my creation too. And so the mother has to save it. Until there is even a spec of energy left inside her, until the last drop of blood is in her – she will try to save her child. She doesn’t sit counting how many sins the child has committed, how he has been behaving. But you need to bear wisdom. And you need to stand by your dharma. We will bestow upon you all its knowledge in detail. All that knowledge which the gurus refrain from giving you, we will give you all of it. As we hold them in high regards, we hold you too. And your state will keep changing, getting higher. Now, take all of it. Furthermore, how to give realization to others, how to bestow this grace onto them – learn that as well. How to clarify the chakras, how to cure others etc. – we will teach you all of that. All, that is secret, we will teach you all of that. Granted. But you need to realize this – now that we have made you an ‘avdhoota’ (a true guru who upholds dharma), you need to be able to sit like one. You need to forget everything from your past. We have entered a new life. So now we need to have the dignity of a king – the begging should end.

Yet people say that “Mother, my son still hasn’t got a job” – and then I sit with my forehead in my hand! Is this something that you ask of your mother? We have come to give you something invaluable and yet you keep begging for petty things. All of those things will be taken care of. Once you get connected with the divine, all of it will work out. But you need to raise your state. The power to be able to recognize your true self, then recognize the true self of others through it and then finally recognize god – do you realize how big a treasure, how great a power is that? You don’t. And that is only because it was us who came running to you and gave this to you saying ‘take it’, and not the other way around. People say that India got its freedom without paying a big price – that is the reason for this situation. They (the avdhootas) tell me – “Mother, don’t give it away so easily, make them slog a little”. But, the time is running out – that is what you don’t understand. But I do – there is no time left anymore. And the love of a mother will never accept that it is okay for her children to go to waste. No matter how bad they are, the mother will always end up putting the last bit of her life to stake to save them. This motherhood cannot be understood. That is the reason we came here running for you.