Now at the last stage of Raj Rajeshwari, how should a Sahaj Yogi be? The blessings of Lakshmi have to be there, at this stage. After Kundalini awakening, a person receives the blessings of Lakshmi. They have to come definitely. All the Sahaj Yogis receive the blessings of Lakshmi, and sometimes this Lakshmi can increase a lot, unexpectedly. And even if it does not increase, such a man gets the attiutude of a king. Until your attitude becomes like that, you must understand that the Kundalini is still lost at Nabhi. The temperament changes! The biggest miracle which happens after coming to Sahaj Yoga is that a person’s temperament changes, his nature changes.
A man who is full of a-Lakshmi, within whom Lakshmi is not visible – means there are many rich people also, who are miserly. So they cannot be called as Lakshmi-pati. There is no form of Lakshmi visible in them. They live like beggars, all the time crying for money. It’s very difficult for them to give some money to others. In such miserly people, Kundalini has not yet awakened. They die of miserliness. They are so miserly, and think so much about money that their liver can also get destroyed. Their face will be just like a beggar. So just to achieve the Lakshmi (material wellbeing) is not the work of Kundalini. To establish the essence of Lakshmi within is the work of Kundalini.
So Raja Rajeshwari is that power of Kundalini which establishes within you. The essence of Lakshmi-pati is Raja Rajeshwari. It doesn’t mean that you should get lots of money, but should become generous, as if you are a king. Raja Rajeshwari means that you develop the temperament of a king. Here even the kings are like beggars, and they are miserly, they are liars, they take bribes, and do all such things. But here we are talking about the pure form. The one who worships Raj Rajeshwari, and the one who has achieves it, has so many qualities that they maybe cannot be described in today’s lecture. But the biggest thing which happens is that one develops generosity, he becomes generous, knowing that he is nourished by the power of Raj Rajeshwari. “I will never have any shortage of money or anything else. So why not just enjoy! Why not make myself happy by giving to others?”