[T]he whole thing is working out universally. Even if you organize, you organize for the whole. Those who are organizing have no business to be harsh and those who are not organizing have no business to be slow.
We must move with the same speed, with the same understanding. There’s a story in Marathi language which is a very good story that a bird-catcher had put lots of temptations of good grain for some birds – pigeons and the pigeons didn’t see the net – the trap – and they all came down to eat that. And there was a net there. In the net their feet were entangled.
So the solution was found out that: ‘If all of us with the same speed take off, we’ll take away the whole of the net and then he cannot catch us.’ So, one person said: ‘Alright, as soon as I say ‘yes’, let us all start with the same speed. If somebody increases his speed he is brought down.
In the same way Sahaja Yoga has to be worked out; and that’s why to keep up the speed, keep yourself peaceful, loving, affectionate.
Peace is the way we are going to achieve it. This is an explosive peace. By giving contrasts you bring the balance in: explosive.
You have read also about the Goddess – the different aspects of Goddess. Always: ‘Ati saumya, Ati Raudra’ [In Devi Suktam from Devi Mahatmya, meaning, gentle like the Moon and also terrible like Rudra]
To give the two contrasts by which bring the balance in the middle.
That’s how you must understand that Sahaja Yoga is a very unique revolution. I told them also politically and also socially – in every way how we are going to improve every country. Thus the whole world – the whole universe.