Being in inaction

January 8, 1977

When you say, “How should we do it?”, you are thinking, that is not Sahaj. You cannot go back saying that “I don’t do anything.” You are all the time moving forward saying, “How?”

How do you go forward? By accepting that this incident is towards consciousness and that consciousness makes it happen. We should stop trying to do things. When we are in inaction then only this consciousness happens. That means you don’t have to do anything. This is very difficult for a human being. If nothing else man keeps thinking. But when this happens your thoughts dissolve because till now whatever daily spiritual practice you have seen involved action from you, and it took you outward. All such practices took you out of yourself. Sahaja Yoga happens inside. When people ask how do you surrender, it is simple, you do not have to do anything, you are surrendered.

Human beings have never walked on this path so it is new for Man. Man does not have to do anything in this. Things happen on their own because human beings have done a lot and have gone very far away from the inner self. That is why it is very difficult to pull a person inward. That is why some people get self-realization in a minute and for some Kundalini rises and falls down again. Not having to do anything — that is surrender. If you reach that point where you are speechless, thoughtless then that is it. But to human beings this also is an action. So leave it all to the one who will do it. You do not have to do anything. Just leave it.