[S]ome people have a bad habit of raising their Kundalini in the programme suddenly: giving bandhans, giving bandhans to themselves, bandhans to others. It’s nonsense! Just now I am there. You don’t have to. Just you desire. You just try to develop your desire power and just desire. You desire something – it will work out. I mean, I work like that and you should learn this trick – how to desire. But desire should be pure desire, then Kundalini works it out.
I was in Kolhapur and I was telling him, Yogi Mahajan [that] I want to buy those chimtas for all the countries, Western countries and also the leaders. And just imagine, they said that you can’t get them in Kolhapur, and there they are! They have bought it and brought it. I mean, it’s a small incident but there are a thousand one I can tell you. I have to just desire! I desired that the Eastern bloc must be cleared out, must be freed. So a programme, a yoga seminar, was held in Russia. And I told my husband and I told everyone, “I am going there to break the Eastern bloc!” I just told. When I went there they gave me hardly any time. But I broke it because the people who got Realisation, they were from all these countries, and they just went and triggered it. So I had told beforehand that this is my purpose. But I am so intensely desiring it. In the same way if you have a pure desire about it, not from any malicious or some sort of a selfish attitude, [it can work out].