The consequences of frivolousness

January 5, 1988

So this kind of a nonsensical talk, for example, if the ladies meet “Oh,” they will say, “Where did you buy this sari?” “I bought it there.” “Oh, I went there. How much did you pay?” She said, “This [much].” Such a waste of time goes on and on. The whole life is wasted in such a low-grade understanding of life’s value.

Then they will also talk ill [of others]. You can build up on that all the filth. It’s something like the fungus growing. From the dead, with a little heat the fungus starts growing, mutation takes place, and the fungus becomes aggressive and can become cancerous. In the same way, all this low grade life starts. Then this low grade life can extend into every walk of life, like politics, economics, everywhere, because it is like plastic. Plastic can get into cloth, can get into trees, can get into everything. In the same way this horrible low-grade business goes into these various things and a person cannot rise above this built-in plastic bondages we have.

At this time when we have such kind of programmes, everything breaks off and you really dissolve into the love of God. There are so many other mundane things if you see how people talk, how they joke and all that. You will think it’s all filth going round you. Slowly you will gradually recede from it. That is how you prepare yourself for retaining this joy within yourself.