Pure attention, for anything, you need: say [for] music, for art. For anything you have to have pure attention and that comes through your innocence. Say a person who is an artist and who is very money-oriented, for example, a person who is doing some paintings and all that: his art cannot become eternal art. Cannot. That’s why we see in modern times [that], whatever art is created, it just comes and goes. It has no eternal value. Same with the modern music that they are having. The same thing is happening. It comes and goes and no one knows where it has disappeared. Behind it is money orientation and that money orientation results into a kind of a creation which is not perfect.
All creations which were dedicated to God in the olden times are being today very much respected and people pay a lot of money for that. Maybe, at that time, the artist must have suffered, but they understood, innocent artists understood very much, that if we have to express, we must truthfully do it. Not to please the people, not to please anyone, but to please God. As you know that Michelangelo had a big fight with this pope here because he couldn’t tolerate nonsense that was coming from the pope. All the artists always have been fighting — real artists.