But the situation is such that unless and until you fight you cannot get to the Truth.
And that’s why, if you remember, that Shri Krishna told Arjuna that “You fight, you have to fight, that’s your work. You have to fight these people because they are the people who do not live with dharma. They are adharmees so you have to fight”. And that is how this fighting was so much justified because after fighting the war, they got back what they deserved. They were deceived and this is what Shri Krishna said, that you should not by any chance become a slave of these people, but you fight with them.
So fighting also is justified in the Divine Discretion. It is again the Divine Discretion, where you have to fight because you don’t want to be a slave. If you are a slave you are no good. So for that you can fight. But when people start fighting for separation, for territory, it is not correct. On the contrary, one should never think of separating from the main lands. It creates lots of problems.