Our talents can help manifest Sahaja Yoga

August 27, 1994

I’ve seen some very beautiful poems being written. Apart from that there are people who are writing very well about Sahaja Yoga. There’s one gentleman in Romania [Dan Costian], who has written such a tremendously deep book [Bible Enlightened]. He has consulted, I think, all the religious books because there’s Koran, there’s Bible, every thing, he brought it to Sahaja Yoga. So, it’s all coming up now. We have to just understand that we have to pay attention to ourselves, and meditate, and I’m sure all the creativity will definitely manifest, and will go on, showing better and better results. It is absolutely evident now. But it is for Sahaja Yogis now to take it up, in a serious way. Whatever is your talent, may be music, may be art, may be film making, or may be writing also. Whatever comes up, you should really now devote some time to that talent that you have. And it is going to work out, I’m sure, very well.